STEM K-12 Offering

Let's work together!

Please use this form to indicate interest in collaborating in an on-campus (Iowa City), virtual visit, or off-campus event with the Cancer Center Statewide STEM Educator from the Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center. Please note that we require at least six weeks notice to properly plan and coordinate your visit!

If you have any questions, please contact

(first, last)


Participant Information

Please estimate the total number of participants (including youth and chaperones in the group). Please consult the University Programs with Minors policy for hosting youth activities on campus and virtually to make sure you can meet the University of Iowa safety requirements. We are able to accommodate group sizes between 10-20 individuals.
Tell us a little bit more about your group and what objectives you have for working together with Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center.
What experience are you looking for?